Fulling Management & Accounting

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100 Pairs of Shoes

In the village of La Fortunita, Honduras many of the children do not have proper shoes or no shoes at all. This leads to the spread of many foot-borne illnesses.

Through our partnership with Honduras Ministries, www.hondurasministries.org, we were able to raise funds to provide 100 pairs of "The Shoe That Grows" for all of the children in the community of La Fortunita.  

The Shoe That Grows, www.theshoethatgrows.org, is a new shoe design that expands with the child's growing foot to up to five sizes and is durable enough to last up to five years.

On our next trip to Honduras in 2017, we will be teaching the kids about the importance of wearing shoes and providing them their own pair of "The Shoe That Grows"!  

Interested in joining us?   Send me an email for more information.  


 Rusty Fulling, CEO Fulling Management & Accounting, Inc.
