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3 Questions for Next Level Leaders by Ryan Leak

The Fulling team just finished a new video together during recent staff meetings, 3 Questions for Next Level Leaders by Ryan Leak.

In this talk, identify the three questions that can help you navigate challenging situations and overcome obstacles regardless of the leadership environment or role you are in.

  • We talked about what our definition of success is for our lives.  Some mentioned raising kids that love others, themselves and the Lord.  Our desire is to raise successful humans and responsible adults and to have a close relationship with them as grown adults.  It was also mentioned to continue to grow in relationship with our spouse.

  • Ryan mentioned that our leadership can be marked by what we want to accomplish or who we want to impact.

  • We talked about what it is like to be on the other side of us and that we hope others see us as caring, kind and people that serve others.  We want to be “interested” and not “interesting” and to show that we genuinely care about those around us.

  • When talking about what we would do if we knew we couldn’t fail, we discussed being willing to always try new things and be adventurous.  Our kids are watching and we tell them to try things, but we need to model this as well.  “Failure is the tuition you pay for success.”  We learn through our failures and we’d rather try than to regret trying at all.

  • We continued talking about what we would do if we weren’t afraid to fail.  Ryan challenged us to follow the slogan “Just Do It” that he was told by Kobe Bryant when he mentioned wanting to pursue his goal of being in the NBA.

  • Some mentioned switching your mindset from what if I fail to what if I succeed?

Conversation Questions and Food For Thought:

  1. What's your definition of success?

  2. What thing in your life or work do you need to keep moving right now?


3 Questions for Next Level Leaders by Ryan Leak