Fulling Management & Accounting

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This is an unprecedented time. As a business owner, you have been greatly effected by the current COVID-19 crisis and are probably wondering “How do we survive this?” As a piece of direction and hope, we have gathered the following list of 4 plans you should create right now in order to survive, and thrive, in this season.

1)      Cash Flow Plan

a.       Communicate this plan to your team with empathy and authority

b.       Know when to tap into cash reserves

c.       Determine how much money you need to make each day

2)      Business Plan

a.       How are you going to make money?

b.       How can you re-package your product offering?

c.       Give each team member a specific focus

3)      Messaging Plan

a.       A sales funnel = survival

b.       Determine how your message will pivot

c.       Determine who you will reach out to with your new offer

d.       Your customers’ problems have changed

4)      Recession Proof Plan             

a.       Prepare your message now

b.       How will you help people save money?

c.       How will you help people make money?

Content from “How to Pivot Your Message During a Crisis” webinar, created by Donald Miller of StoryBrand.