Fulling Management & Accounting

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Case Study: Managed Service Provider get clarity, grows profits, and gains peace of mind

The Situation

A well established and growing information technology company had begun to experience declining profits. Although the company had expanded its business lines and gross sales were up, rising overhead and management demands were causing the owner many sleepless nights.

The Solution

Fulling Management & Accounting, Inc. helped the owner refocus on the core business vision by identifying actual costs and profitability of the various divisions within the company. Fulling also helped the owner implement the changes needed to bring the company back to its original business model.

The Result

By simplifying areas of management and refocusing the company to its primary goals, the company has returned to profitability. The owner has been able to focus on new areas of growth within the business model and most importantly, the owner is able to once again sleep at night.


"Our company, We Are IT, was recently going through a rocky period. Instead of just waiting for things to get better, we sought out an expert. Fulling Management & Accounting helped us turnaround and refocus our business. Rusty Fulling and his team performed a S.W.O.T. analysis, so we could understand the sources of our problems and develop specific steps to resolve them. For example, we were able to implement a more profitable pricing strategy and identify unprofitable activities. A key element of our turnaround success was Rusty’s availability. He recognized the criticality of our situation and never hesitated when we needed help. Initially, I had some concerns about opening up sensitive areas of my business, but I was extremely impressed with Rusty’s sincerity and respect for the trust we had placed in him. I also appreciated his knowledge and understanding of so many business-related topics. I would never hesitate to recommend Rusty and his team." — Ed Van Buskirk, President, We are I.T.