The Fulling team is watching a new video, Charismatic Communication by Vanessa Van Edwards.

During this staff meeting we watched from (0:00-13:28)

Vanessa talks about what makes a leader effective.  She goes into what highly charismatic leaders possess is both high warmth and high competence.

People who are highly competent tend to be smart, not approachable; dependable, not collaborative; important, not kind.  People who are highly warm tend to be friendly, not reliable; likable, not competent; relatable, not impressive.

In interactions, people are quickly asking themselves “Can I trust you?” & “Can I rely on you?”

“Competence without warmth is likely to leave us feeling suspicious.” IQ does not equal PQ.


We look forward to learning more about our communication and how it is perceived and how to improve our interactions!

Food for Thought

  1. Do you identify with her struggle with social interactions?

  2. Were you higher in warmth, competence or both?

  3. Where did you place yourself on the scale?


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