The Fulling team is continuing a new video, Charismatic Communication by Vanessa Van Edwards.

During this staff meeting we watched from (13:28-30:54)

  • Vanessa talked about our verbal cues and how they can change behavior.  We have the power to change an entire interaction with one word.

  • She talked about “kind” words versus “competent” words and what they display to participants in any exchange of communication.  She shared studies of how formal directions versus using directions with “win” words can produce different results.  If you use “win” words people naturally performed like winners.

  • She shared how our first words with someone needs to be positive in nature and challenged us to think of something good to start with or ask as an opener. “What’s something good?”

  • Someone who is warm communicates with lots of exclamation points, “yay”, and emojis.  Someone who is competent communicates with percentages, numbers, and graphs.  She explains that one who uses a balance of warm and competent words has higher charisma & level of influence.

Food for Thought

  1. Do you have anything exciting coming up?

  2. Are there words you use in your regular emails/meetings that you could change?

  3. Do your emails show more warmth or competence?


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