The Fulling team is continuing the video, Charismatic Communication by Vanessa Van Edwards.

During this staff meeting we watched from (31:50-47:47)

  • Vanessa continued talking about the nonverbal cues we give in our communication.  She encouraged us as leaders to create micro-moments of trust by being aggressively helpful.

  • How you say your words is as important as what you say.”

  • She says to avoid the question inflection when you talk.  It communicates that you’re unsure, not confident, open for negotiation, etc.  Say, don’t ask.

  • Body language, gestures, posture & facial expressions make up 60-90% of our communication.

  • A slow triple nod while someone is talking encourages them to continue talking while a fast nod communicates impatience.  A head tilt shows empathy when someone is talking.  A real smile reaches your upper cheek bones and eyes while a fake smile is only the lower half of your face.  It’s good to be aware of all of the ways we communicate with our nonverbal cues.

Food for Thought

1. Do you find you use the 'question inflection' in your communication?

2. What do your non-verbal habits communicate to other people?

3. Did you take away any tips you want to incorporate in your non-verbal communication?


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