Choose Positivity - How to Lead When You're Not in Charge

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are starting a series called How to Lead When You're Not in Charge by Clay Scroggins.

“Are you letting your lack of authority paralyze you?

One of the greatest myths of leadership is that you must be in charge in order to lead. Great leaders don’t buy it. Great leaders lead with or without the authority and learn to unleash their influence wherever they are.

With practical wisdom and humor, author and pastor Clay Scroggins will help you nurture your vision and cultivate influence, even when you lack authority in your organization. And he will free you to become the great leader you want to be so you can make a difference right where you are. Even when you’re not in charge.”

In this video, Clay talked about when we choose positivity, we have trust and hope which leads to energy, humility, and unity.  He emphasized that having a positive attitude changes the climate in the room. Positivity is powerful!

A lot of us have trust & hope because we firmly believe that God has placed us where we are for a reason and things happen for a reason.

One example about positivity Clay made was when he is walking past a room in the office with a glass window and see’s a meeting happening, that feeling he feels when he thinks, “Why wasn’t I invited to that meeting? They clearly don’t want my opinion on the decision.” Sometimes he is then “handed” the decision and has to execute it, whether he was included in the decision making process or not. How do we handle decisions that we are asked to carry out? It all depends on our attitude. We can make it fail or fly based on our attitude.

Positivity affects our health too!  It’s hard to be around negative people for long.  Sometimes we have to walk away before feeling too down ourselves.

Choose positivity.

Join us as we hear more from Clay about how we can become great leaders and make a difference, even if we aren’t in charge!


Food for Thought

  1. What does it look like for you to live with trust and hope?

  2. Is it difficult for you to choose positivity on a regular basis?

  3. What does it take for you to fully buy in?

  4. How does choosing positivity help create unity and lift up everyone’s goals?


“Fulling Has Changed My Life” - Elaine’s Story


Happy TWO years with Fulling Management and Accounting Angie!