Fulling Management & Accounting

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Delegation - Other Ways to Delegate

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are currently watching the Delegation series from EntreLeadership. Follow along each week as we learn from leaders at EntreLeadership on how to master the art of delegation without guilt, stress or fear of losing control.

As we wrap up the Delegation series, Pedro LaTorre shares about alternative ways to delegate when you aren’t able to utilize or hire a team member. Here are some ways you can delegate your tasks to others:

  1. Outsource to another company or individual outside your team.

    • Remember that even though they are outside your company, they still need to have the competency and integrity you would expect from anyone working for you. Take your time building trust with them before committing.

    • You can ask colleagues for recommendations and have them make personal introductions for you. Also, don’t be afraid to dig into the company’s history to make sure you want to collaborate with them.

  2. Automate the task.

    • LaTorre recommends you ask yourself, “What in my company could benefit from being automate and take away the need for a human?”

  3. Delete the task entirely.

    • “Are your systems actually running efficiently?”, asks LaTorre. Take a sobered look at how you are spending a lot of your time and resources. Is it going toward a project that isn’t actually producing results for you? Delete it.

Asking yourself this single question has the power to decrease stress and increase your profits:

“Is there a more efficient way to delegate this task or this project?”

Stay tuned for next week’s blog post as we dive into a brand new series called “Focus: In a World of Bottomless Distractions and Endless Opportunities” by Jon Aucff!


Ramsey Solutions

Check out more articles on leadership and personal development here!