Delegation - Why Most Leaders Don’t Delegate (and How to Fix That)
The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are currently watching the Delegation series from EntreLeadership. Follow along each week as we learn from leaders at EntreLeadership on how to master the art of delegation without guilt, stress or fear of losing control.
Over time, Dave Ramsey has identified two basic reasons leaders choose not to delegate.
They don’t have the right people to delegate to.
They are being a control freak.
If either of these apply to you, the good news is that you can be the solution to changing these circumstances.
The best place to start if you don’t have the right people to delegate to is with hiring. You have to make sure you are hiring the right people who are worthy of delegation. Ramsey continues to say that even if you do have the right people you need to setup some guardrails before fully delegating.
You must trust them.
They must demonstrate:
“Releasing control is hard. Even when you know it’s the best thing for you and your business.”
Ramsey closes out this lesson with a promise, “…the rewards of delegation will pay off tenfold in the growth of your company.”
Food for thought…
Which excuse for not delegating do you relate to most and why?
If you feel uncomfortable or guilty asking someone else to handle a task, try shifting your perspective. Think of it as you giving someone an additional skill to build and learn.
Which part of the delegation process would you like to get better at?
Be proactive - think ahead of time which items you could delegate out for an upcoming project.