Fulling Management & Accounting

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Emotionally Healthy Leaders

The Fulling Management & Accounting team has started watching a new video series! Every week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. The series we’re watching now is by Clay Scroggins and is based on his book How to Lead in a World of Distraction.

In the last half of The Danger of Distraction video, we learned that the 2nd thing that is potentially at stake when it comes to distractions is:

A Lack of Traction

Traction is the thing that causes us to stay focused and keep going. “Dis-traction” is the lack of traction! Distraction filled days will lead to traction-less lives. Just think of what happens to car tires when they lose traction….

The 3rd thing at stake is:

Failure to Live Your Best Life

We have to pay attention to the distractions that want to get in our way. The difference between where you are now and where you want to be in life is how you handle those distractions.

The thing that is likely to suffer the most in your life because of the distractions is your emotional health.

“The best leaders in the world are the most emotionally healthy people,” says Clay Scroggins. You need a plan to deal with the distractions in order to grow your emotional health.

As we chatted about what we learned in the video, our team came up with a couple ways avoid distractions:

  • Start with intention and set goals to gain focus

  • Give yourself a rewarding break after knocking out tasks

  • Tackle 1 project each month

Where are you spinning your wheels and stuck in the same routine?  

What would you like to do if you could gain traction in those areas? 



How to Lead in a World of Distraction - The Book

Clay Scroggins

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