Fulling Management & Accounting

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The EDGE - Growth

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are currently watching the E.D.G.E series from Adam Tarnow and David Morrison. Follow along each week as we learn the four simple, profound ways to show that you’re emotionally committed without sucking up, selling out, or being anything but the best version of you.

Today’s lesson talked about growth, the hunger for progress and development you embody. With the key idea being; never stop growing, never stop learning, and never stop improving.

David talked about how you have to reject the status quo and be innovative. He talked about how professional growth often goes unseen but gives three ways to show that you have a hunger for growth and being all in.




Lastly, David talked about how leaders that really stand out, understand they have two job titles. The first is the title given when hired, the second is Chief Development Officer.

We had some good discussion in our breakout rooms around owning our own growth and making sure we are our own Chief Development Officer.

Join us as we hear more from Adam and David about the EDGE framework and how we can give our careers an EDGE.

Food for Thought

  1. What opportunities have you sought to further develop your knowledge and skills as it relates to your career?

  2. How do you rate yourself on your own self-leadership? How can you grow in each of the below areas?

    1. Head – continuing to learn

    2. Hands – improving your skills or adding new skills

    3. Heart – habits that promote a good well-being

    4. Hope – take steps to own your future

  3. Is there a challenge that you can say “yes” to now?


Adam Tarnow & David Morrison

Rightnow Media

Check out more articles on leadership and personal development here!