Fulling Management & Accounting

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Finding Simplicity

The Fulling Management & Accounting team has started watching a new video series! Every week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. The series we’re watching now is by Clay Scroggins and is based on his book How to Lead in a World of Distraction.

This week’s video is Finding Simplicity. Clay Scroggins explains that you can create noise-canceling habits in your life, similar to using noise-canceling headphones. These habits help you find the noise that is distracting you and provides you the space you need to grow emotionally. Then you can become a better person and leader.

The first noise-canceling habit is: finding simplicity.

We all have a simple drive in life. The more simple your life is the more able you are to identify that Why and that drive. One of the best ways to turn down our distractions is to fight for and find simplicity in our lives. Similar to how clutter seems to find us in our physical life, it finds us in our mental life as well.

We live in a world that loves “more”. We are like little kids carrying around heavy, big backpacks full of things. Wouldn’t it be better to wear a smaller backpack that has just enough to keep us light and agile.

Craig refers to a conversation he had with author, Bob Goff. Craig asked what he had going on the rest of the day and Bob said, “Oh I don’t known, all I know is I’m sitting right here talking to you.” Bob explained that he tries to keep things simple and be right where he is right now. Simplicity is about letting go of what comes next and just being present in this moment. “When you find simplicity it can become that habit that will break through the clutter of your life to find your chief drive,” says Clay, “The more clutter you have in your life, the less you are able to fight for and find simplicity.”

Just as famous declutterer, Marie Kondo, asks her clients, you can ask yourself “Does this spark joy?”

What is the most simple thing that is driving you? Is it to find peace, be appreciated, have control, be seen as successful, etc? Finding your core driver and motivator will make your decisions much easier and allow you to become an emotionally healthy person. Then you can lead yourself well. The more simple your life gets, the more able you will be to find your “Why”. When you find it, the more simple your life will become.

In today’s staff meeting we broke out into groups to talk about the “Why?” behind what we do as well as asking ourselves “What brings us joy?”. Some things that bring our team members joy are seeing others find joy, seeing what we’ve accomplished that day, and considering the quote “Let me be the answer to someone’s prayer today.” Some things discussed and shared for finding our “Why” include: family time, some of us may have seasons for our “Why” (parenting season and support system season). It’s important to remember our “Why” when we’re so task focused.

What is your “Why”?  

What sparks joy for you? 


How to Lead in a World of Distraction - The Book

Clay Scroggins

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