Focus - Make Time to Talk About Time

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are currently watching the Focus series from Jon Acuff. Follow along each week as we learn from Acufff the practical ways to reorient our attention from the things that don’t matter to the things that do.

In this session, Jon discussed what he called “distraction technology.” Using phones as an example, he listed several forms of entertainment that often pull our attention away from where it should be aimed. In what situations do you find yourself most vulnerable to the distractions offered by your phone?

 We often hear—and maybe we’ve said it ourselves—that there isn’t enough time to get the things done we need done, implying that the real issue is not our ability to focus, but a lack of time. Jon disagreed, saying, “The biggest challenge is we give our time to the wrong things.”


Food for Thought

  • What are some examples of the distractions you encounter the most?

  • In what ways do these distractions impact the way you use your time?




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