Fulling Management & Accounting

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Habitudes - Discipline Bridge

The Fulling Management & Accounting team has started watching a new video series! Every week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. The series we’re watching now is by Dr. Tim Elmore and is based on his book Habitudes - The Art of Self-Leadership. Follow along as we learn about self-leadership.

Elmore begins this lesson by telling the story of when he was 10 years old and a tornado tore through his neighborhood. The day after the tornado he saw workers and volunteers building small bridges to cross over the debris, water, and sewage in order to get to the other side with a wheelbarrow of supplies. “Those temporary bridges helped them cross so they could repair what was broken,” said Elmore, “Bridges to make repairs. What a fitting analogy for us as leaders.”

Sometimes as leaders we may feel like we are crumbling inside and need help. Think of discipline as a bridge that helps you get where you need to go. To repair our inner damage, we need to build a discipline bridge. Though it takes time and effort to build a discipline bridge, it will stay there once it’s built and make the journey much easier. We build these bridges when we form new habits and once it becomes a habit, it is much easier to do.

It’s helpful to know what motivates you and keep that end goal in mind. Creating routines and showing up consistently is half of the battle to making it a habit.  Keep the promises you’ve made to yourself!

Food for thought…

  • What are some disciplines that you’ve applied to accomplish a big goal?

  • What are some new disciple routines that have been the most challenging?


Dr. Tim Elmore

Habitudes for Self Leadership - The Art of Leading Yourself

The Book

Video Series

Check out more articles on leadership and personal development here!