Fulling Management & Accounting

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Habitudes - The Pop Quiz

The Fulling Management & Accounting team has started watching a new video series! Every week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. The series we’re watching now is by Dr. Tim Elmore and is based on his book Habitudes - The Art of Self-Leadership. Follow along as we learn about self-leadership.

Most students hate taking tests. However it is necessary to test the knowledge a student has in order to know they can move on to the next level. This is true for leaders as well. Dr. Tim Elmore explains that, “tests are opportunities that challenge us to prove our potential and our maturity.” Below are five observations that Elmore has made about the tests that leaders face.

“As leaders, we cannot be used greatly for a cause or perform greatly until our character and substance have been tested deeply,” says Elmore. Most leadership tests surface without any warning, like a pop quiz.

As accountants and CFOs for small businesses, we are often tested by our new clients but they gain trust in us over time. Clients may come in a bit skeptical of outsourcing their accounting functions to another organization but after their relationship with us grows they see the value we can provide and they trust our opinion.

Food for thought…

What “pop quiz” have you experienced lately?


Dr. Tim Elmore

Habitudes for Self Leadership - The Art of Leading Yourself

The Book

Video Series

Check out more articles on leadership and personal development here!