Fulling Management & Accounting

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How to Get 1% Better Every Day - Atomic Habits Series

This week during staff meeting, the Fulling team watched Atomic Habits by James Clear in preparation for the theme at our offsite of “Small Things Big Difference”. James Clear is an author and speaker focused on habits, decision-making, and continuous improvement.

We had lots of great themes and notes that James Clear mentioned that came up in our discussions after watching the video!

There are 4 Stages of Habit Formation – Noticing, Wanting, Doing, Liking.

  • Make it easy to start a habit.  Focus on the starting point and not the end goal.  Set yourself up for success by putting that book you want to read on your pillow to remind yourself to read before bed.

  • Look for small rewards along the way and not just focusing on the end reward.

  • Your physical environment matters.  Prepare before by setting out your workout clothes & having your workout plan decided the day before.

  • Imagine if you fail in the end.  Then build out if/then statements so that when something does come up you have a backup plan for when you are going to work out (or do your habit) next and don’t let it go too far.

  • Focus on progress, not perfection.

Food for Thought

  1. Is there a habit you’d like to get 1% better at?

  2. How have you tied positive short-term rewards to your habits?

  3. True change is identity change. When James said that, did an identity come to mind that you’d like to change?


James Clear

Atomic Habits: How to Get 1% Better Every Day