How Would You Define Success? - Uncompromising Beliefs and Expectations

The Fulling team started a new staff meeting series! We are watching Uncompromising by Steven White.

“We all want to lead a life filled with purpose, success, and influence. But how do we chart the path to fulfillment? Where should we turn to find the life we all want? How do we leave a meaningful legacy?

In this 8-session series, keynote speaker and Comcast executive Steven White, will share his seven pathways to success, giving us a new approach to finding an impactful lifestyle of working, living, and being.”

We kicked it off by watching the trailer and first video. Our team really enjoyed this first week and had a good discussion around the power of your thinking and how it impacts so much of your life. We also talked about how our definition of success often changes over time – and that’s a good thing!

Join us as we hear more from Steven about finding success and fulfillment!

Food for Thought

  1. How would you define success? What would it take for you to be successful?

  2. Who has helped shape you as a person? What values or beliefs did they instill in you?

  3. What do you want your future to look like? What are the specific goals you are trying to reach personally or professionally?


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