The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are currently watching the Focus series from Jon Acuff. Follow along each week as we learn from Acuff the practical ways to reorient our attention from the things that don’t matter to the things that do.

In this session, Jon helps us identify our “escape pods” and encourages us to call them what they are—obstacles.


Jon said that an “obstacle is a challenge that pulls you back,” and he called distraction the “biggest obstacle that stands between you and focus.”

One of the central ideas in this session was the concept of what Jon called an “escape pod.” An escape pod “is anything that takes you away from an important action, allowing you to mentally leave a moment and focus on something else.”

Jon gave three examples of escape pods from his own life: his phone, Twitter and Instagram, and chaos in conversations.


Food for Thought

  • In what situations do you tend to embrace distraction as a means of escape from the task(s) before you?

  • Which of Jon’s escape pods do you identify most with? What other escape pods do you resort to when you find yourself in unfavorable or unstimulating situations?

  • Where do you go when you’re not present?




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