The Fulling team started a new staff meeting series! We are watching The Five Questions of Vision Casting by Jeff Henderson.

'“Thriving organizations understand how to transition people from benefiting from the mission and vision to participating in the mission and vision. In this five-session video series, Jeff Henderson asks five questions surrounding vision casting, explaining what it takes to transform consumers into vision-carriers for your organization.”

In session two, Jeff follows the first question “Is the problem connecting?” with the next logical thought: “Is the answer compelling?” A connecting question combined with a compelling answer produces what Jeff called the “no-snooze-alarm organization.”  You have a purpose waiting for you each morning!

There is danger in assuming, not verifying, that the solution to your problem is compelling. Jeff suggested taking a vision inventory to avoid vision drift, which is the gradual loss or change of your vision.

We feel that we keep our vision top of mind at FMA weekly in Staff Meetings in our culture discussion and annually at our Vision Day events.

In discussion, some talked about our purpose not only being serving our clients and giving them clarity and peace of mind but also having a good place to work for our team.  The culture at FMA is excellent and we want to keep it a good place to work that is enjoyable and fulfilling so that we want to serve our clients well.

Food for Thought

  1. What makes you excited about Fulling’s purpose?

  2. In what ways have we proactively revisited our vision and progress toward accomplishing it?

  3. How can we work to memorize and embody our company mission as we work?


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