Is The Language Spreading?
The Fulling team started a new staff meeting series! We are watching The Five Questions of Vision Casting by Jeff Henderson.
'“Thriving organizations understand how to transition people from benefiting from the mission and vision to participating in the mission and vision. In this five-session video series, Jeff Henderson asks five questions surrounding vision casting, explaining what it takes to transform consumers into vision-carriers for your organization.”
In session three, Jeff argues less is more in this session as he shares effective vision statements that have transformed companies we all recognize. Each word matters when communicating vision.
The language we use in our vision statements is critical. The words must be memorable and meaningful. Think about Chick-fil-A, the ONE Campaign, and Nike.
Creating short but powerful vision statements does not happen easily. Once the language has been crafted, a vision statement must then spread beyond the leadership to the organization’s staff, clients, customers, and the greater society.
Food for Thought
Is your vision statement catchy enough to be repeated easily? How well does it capture the important aspects of your vision?
What is the language we use to describe our vision?
Is anyone other than us using this language?