Join Us For A New Video Series - Redeeming Your Time At Work by Jordan Raynor

The Fulling team is starting a new video series! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are diving into the series called Redeeming Your Time At Work by Jordan Raynor

Managing our time wisely and effectively is one of the most important things we can do to advance our careers. When we institute the right lifestyle changes—not just adopting some habits—we can begin to reach our full potential. In this ten-session series, bestselling author Jordan Raynor will cover ten simple practices that will help us manage our time wisely and clear out the distractions that keep us from making progress with our work.

In these first two videos, Let Your Friends Curate Information For You and Parent Your Phone, Jordan told us that the goal in limiting our news intake is to be able to discern essential information from the noise. With less noise, we can focus on what’s in front of us without getting anxious, distracted, or overwhelmed. Jordan’s first time management practice is to let your friends curate the news for you.

One of the most common distractions we encounter is the constant stream of news we get from phone alerts, TV, and inboxes. Too much news consumption can negatively impact our ability to focus on what matters most.

Parenting our phones—creating boundaries around how connected we are to our phones—helps us break dependence on our screens and focus on what matters most. For Jordan, leaving his phone in another room and keeping his “do not disturb” function on helped him take a break from work.

Parenting our phones is more than a productivity booster. When we focus on the present and the people we are with, we will be better spouses, parents, and friends.



Food for Thought

  1. Which news outlets—local, international, or celebrity—cause the most noise and distraction in your life?

  2. How could getting news highlights from your friends instead of your phone impact your productivity at work?

  3. In what ways could distancing yourself from your devices or silencing notifications help you keep work at work? In what other ways could you parent your phone?


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