Navigating Uncertainty - Uncompromising Series

The Fulling team started a new staff meeting series! We are watching Uncompromising by Steven White.

“We all want to lead a life filled with purpose, success, and influence. But how do we chart the path to fulfillment? Where should we turn to find the life we all want? How do we leave a meaningful legacy?

In this 8-session series, keynote speaker and Comcast executive Steven White, will share his seven pathways to success, giving us a new approach to finding an impactful lifestyle of working, living, and being.”

Steven reminds us that our ability to navigate uncertainty will determine our level of impact, success, and fulfillment.  By centering ourselves with a positive perspective, preparing for contingencies, and leaning on our purpose we can continue to make progress, even when the future is unclear.

He suggested we “map for the crooked road” or proactively create contingency plans. You cannot plan for every possible outcome, but Steve suggested two simple ways to prepare for an uncertain future: build time into your schedule and create a backup plan.

Steven encouraged us to face our doubts and doubters by surrounding ourselves with people that help us respond to uncertainty in a positive way.

Then he challenged us to radically commit to others like “road dogs.” Instead of evaluating if we should help people, we should jump to fight for others without asking questions. Road dogs support others no matter what.

“When we develop and maintain committed relationships where we give and receive, we create a legacy that leaves an enduring positive difference on the world.”

Our investment in others should not be a one-time deposit. When we commit to long-term relationships, we not only help others but can benefit from their influence in our lives.

Food for Thought

  1. What new practices could help you start each day on a positive note?

  2. In what ways could padding your schedule with space help you respond to unexpected circumstances?

  3. Have you ever had a road dog friend? If so, what did you most appreciate about their commitment to you?

  4. What would it look like to be a person who is committed to benefiting others?


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