What a fun week we have had here at Fulling Management and Accounting! We had our annual offsite this week. This is a foundational time in our year - as a fully remote team, it is so valuable to get together in person. We spend our time on team building, vision casting and FUN.

We always set goals for our time at our offsite (we call them Success Statements). This helps us track if we accomplished what we wanted to in our time together. This year, our Success Statements looked like this:

We like to mix in several activities over our two and a half days together. Here’s what our schedule looked like this time:

  • We start with our annual Family Picnic to kick off our Offsite Retreat. It is always so much fun to get all of our families and our out-of-town team members together for food, games, and fellowship. At Fulling, we really value time together as a team, so Sunday night is a great time.

  • On Monday, we held our annual Vision Day at Unity Village, where we:

    • Teminisced about 2023 highlights, kicked off our theme with a super cool video, talked about our 4 Helpfuls, and planned for the year ahead.

    • We got to hear from Mark Chrislip from Plans For Good 2911 as he talked us through our Working Geniuses. It was a very insightful workshop and we loved getting to know each of our team members more and how to support each other by using our strengths.

    • One highlight of the day was our Minute To Win It Challenges (see fun photos below!). Each game was full of laughter and friendly competition.

    • We ended our Vision Day with an encouraging Ted Talk from Alison Levine.

  • On Tuesday, our team served together at Harvesters, sorting and bagging sweet potatoes. After our serve event, we all enjoyed some delicious BBQ at Q39 before taking a trip to visit one of our amazing clients, Kathy Weld at Zeb’s Coffeehouse.

Our annual offsite retreat is something that each team member really looks forward to. The planning and creativity that goes into each event is incredible, and it truly takes a village to pull off. 2023 has been a great year so far and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the year holds.

Enjoy some of the photos from our 2023 Offsite Retreat below!


Lessons From Hood to Coast


Reviewing and Adjusting Your Marketing Strategy