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Seven underrated habits that will help you improve daily

Here are 7 underrated habits that will help you improve daily:

1. Exercise Daily If you’re not moving your body daily, start today. Adding short walks between meetings is a great place to start.

2. Connect with Family/Friends Daily I can't overstate the importance of personal relationships. For me, time with family and friends is non-negotiable.

3. Spend Time with God Daily My faith grounds and centers me, giving purpose to my work and life. Spending time each day in the Bible and prayer keeps me aligned in my relationship with God and provides perspective on what matters most.

4. Practice Letting Go Daily Stress builds up when you don't let go of what you can't control. Take 5 minutes after each workday to mentally let go of anything you're holding onto from the day.

5. Read Something Daily Leaders are readers! Instead of turning on the news or scrolling through social media, read a few pages of a book. Start small with this habit and build over time.

6. Serve Someone Daily Do you ever feel discontent? Helping someone in need is the fastest antidote to this feeling. You give, but you also receive!

7. Be Grateful Daily Life is full of things we take for granted. Take time to reflect on what those things are for you—note 5 things you're grateful for each day.

What else would you add to this list?