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Soundtracks - The Pocket Jury

Over the last few weeks, the Fulling Management & Accounting team has been going through Jon Acuff’s video series “Soundtracks”. This series is based on the belief that many of us overthink and question our decisions. If we do make a decision, we tend to second guess it and ourselves. These are what we call “negative soundtracks”. Jon Acuff is teaching us how to turn down the noise of those negative soundtracks so we can continue to move forward.

We just finished the last session of the series on “Creating Turndown Techniques”. The last part of the session was about The Pocket Jury. This is a collection of broken soundtracks that keep you from advancing forward. It’s a critical voice that follows you everywhere you go. It weighs you down and keeps you from reaching for the stars. It brings up memories of failure from your childhood and reminds you of how hard that was then, so you shouldn’t even try now.

What task, goal, dream or adventure have you been putting off because of what The Pocket Jury has told you?

Now let’s quiet that Pocket Jury. As Jon Acuff said, “Fear comes free, but faith takes work.” The first step you can take in quieting The Pocket Jury’s voice is to do something brave that you’ve been putting off. Then pay attention to what your Pocket Jury says about you and that thing you’re doing. It’s probably not true. Next, gather evidence to contradict The Pocket Jury. Take note of why you are good enough to do it, why it is worth the effort and time, how it is a valuable experience, etc. And with all the evidence you gathered to back you up - tell the truth! This is where we realize The Pocket Jury’s voice is not valid or true. What is true is that we are capable, worth it, brave, strong, blessed, and smart!

Now, think of that task, goal, dream or adventure and do it!

Jon left us with the three words he shared with us in the beginning of the series:

  1. Retire - Retire your broken soundtracks.

  2. Replace - Replace them with new ones.

  3. Repeat - Repeat the new ones until their as automatic as the old ones.

Create turndown techniques to quiet your negative soundtracks! Learn more about Jon Acuff’s Soundtracks series from the following articles:


Soundtracks - Trailer

Soundtracks - Book

Jon Acuff - Website

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