Fulling Management & Accounting

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At Fulling Management & Accounting, we are passionate about serving those whose basic needs, like food, water, and clothing, are not yet met. With this is mind, we will be partnering with the Center of Grace and World Vision this spring!

The Center of Grace has a mission to build relationships that lead to lasting change for the city of Olathe, KS. Along with their many other services, they provide a free meal to the community two times a week. Everyone is welcome to enjoy food and fellowship. On Wednesday, March 18th we will be serving a meal at the Center of Grace's Community Dinner. 

Another upcoming serve event will be with World Vision. We will be participating in their Global 6K for Water on Saturday, May 16th at Heritage Park in Olathe, KS. 6 Kilometers is the average distance people in the developing world walk for water - water that is often contaminated with life-threatening diseases. On May 16th, thousands of people from around the globe will walk or run 6K to bring water to communities in need. 

To join us at these events go to http://www.fullingmgmt.com/serving-communities!

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