Fulling Management & Accounting

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The Danger of Distraction

The Fulling Management & Accounting team has started watching a new video series! Every week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. The series we’re watching now is by Clay Scroggins and is based on his book How to Lead in a World of Distraction.

The first video of the series is about The Danger of Distraction. Clay shares how on a family vacation he was so distracted with getting the car unpacked, managing his five kids, and getting settled in their rental house that he forgot where his keys were. Instead of finding his keys, he found that his car was gone! Someone had taken his keys and stolen his car. If Clay had been more present when they arrived at the rental house, he could have intentionally placed keys somewhere safe and enjoyed his vacation much more. This event helped Clay realize how distracted he really can be in life.

None of us really have a plan for handling distractions.

Every person of every generation struggles with distractions. And it’s getting harder and harder to avoid them as society and technology keep advancing. While we all experience distractions, none of us really have a plan for handling them. That’s what this study is about.

How can we lead better in a world where the distractions are growing…and growing…and growing?

Something at stake when it comes to our distractions is the opportunity cost of the unknown - the cost of what we are being distracted from. What are some things that cause you to lose focus? Your phone, emails, kids, spouse, and the never ending to-do list in your mind are common distractions. What are some opportunity costs of your distractions? Maybe you are less productive at work or missing out on quality time with your family. What could you do to be more present? Stay tuned for tips and resources on leading in a world of distraction.


How to Lead in a World of Distraction - The Book

Clay Scroggins

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