Fulling Management & Accounting

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The Miracle Moment: Integrity in Real Life

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are starting a series called The Miracle Moment by Nicole Unice.

This video discusses the biggest source of our stress and frustration is not tedious busy-work or nagging customers: it’s communication. While it is easy to blame poor communication on others, we must come to terms with the fact that we are as much to blame for poor communication as anyone else. Nicole showed us that, when faced with workplace frustration, we all have a choice. “We can perpetuate the same pattern we’ve been living in, letting the hurt win—or we can move toward a miracle moment.”  She mentions 5 prerequisites we must meet if we want to find a miracle moment:

        1. Nice is Bad.  Be honest and vulnerable.

        2. Chaos Before Order.  Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

        3. Curious, Not Condemning.  Not self-condemnation.

        4. Small is Big. Small, consistent, incremental steps.

        5. Hope Is Necessary.

Join us as we hear more from Nicole about how to align our emotions, words, and actions so that we can create meaningful change in our experiences and relationships at work. 

Food for Thought

  1. In what ways has “niceness” silenced you or contributed to workplace stress in the past? 

  2. What could it look like for you to be honest when you are frustrated at work?

  3. Think of what having better communication would change for your team. What does that future look like?

  4. What can you do to create a culture of honest accountability in your office as you commit to long-term changes?


Nicole Unice

Rightnow Media

Check out more articles on leadership and personal development here!