Fulling Management & Accounting

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The Miracle Moment - Self-Respect: How to Do What You Say

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are starting a series called The Miracle Moment by Nicole Unice.

In this video, Nicole talks about respect. To respect others, respect our own feelings, and find a miracle moment, we must create change.

She explains that we break trust with others when we fail to act on our words.  Action that builds trust and improves our teams is safe, which Nicole defined as a) honest, b) empathetic, and c) repentant.

Relational safety allows us to honestly share what we are thinking and feeling without fear that we will be hurt.

The final, and perhaps most important, way to create safety with your team is through repentance. Repentance is never easy. But nothing is more powerful than hearing another person admit their errors without self-justification, especially if it comes from someone in authority.

We are so thankful to be able to have some great takeaways from this series that we can apply to both our work relationships and our personal relationships. Thank you, Nicole!

Food for Thought

  1. What can you do to let others—coworkers or employees—know they are safe and can be honest with you?

  2. In what ways could you show empathy to others at work? In what ways could your actions create a safe environment for them to express themselves?

  3. What are your values? What compels you to do the work that you do?

  4. What accountability or practices will you need to enact to help you make changes that you want to make?


Nicole Unice

Rightnow Media

Check out more articles on leadership and personal development here!