The Power of Customer Experience: Create Your Culture

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are starting a series called The Power of Customer Experience: 5 Elements to Make an Impact by Elizabeth Dixon.

Today’s lesson was about creating your culture. Elizabeth started by stating that miserable employees create miserable experiences. Culture is the foundation for a customer’s experience. She defines culture as “this is how we do it here.” Those spoken and unspoken rules about what is okay.

Culture is created by what you model, create, and allow. This idea is important for leaders to think about as they help create the culture they desire for their company. Elizabeth pointed out, though, that you don’t have to be the CEO to create a positive culture. Leadership is not limited to a title. Anyone can be a personal leader.

The “me” impacts the “we.”

Culture is hidden in the habits.

In our staff meeting, we talked about how we all feel everyone is so helpful, team players, and support one another.  We love the intentionality that there is Scripture on the website and that our Staff Meetings end in prayer.

Join us as we hear more from Elizabeth about how we can provide the best customer experience for our clients and make a positive impact!


Food for Thought

  1. What are some cultural norms ("how we do it here") of your organization?

  2. What are you currently modeling, creating, and allowing that helps your culture? What are you currently modeling, creating, and allowing that hurts your culture?

  3. Who is someone in your life that you follow because of who they are, not the title they have?

  4. Describe the culture you want to create around you. What do you need to consistently model, create and allow for that to be true?




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