The Power of Customer Experience: Introduction
The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are starting a series called The Power of Customer Experience: 5 Elements to Make an Impact by Elizabeth Dixon.
“We all long to be a part of something bigger, something greater, something meaningful in this life. And whether you're the boss calling the shots, the employee making it happen, or the intern just starting out in your field, you're uniquely positioned right where you are to make an impact in the place you spend so much of your time: your job! This series is designed to help growth-minded people see the power and potential they have to make an impact by changing the customer experience for their businesses and brands for the better.” -Elizabeth Dixon
Customer experience is defined as the set of experiences your customer has with your brand. Elizabeth talked about how loyal customers are five times more likely to purchase again and four times more likely to refer a friend to the company. She talked about an experience she had at a Nordstrom store with an employee named Linda. Linda went out of her way to provide an exceptional customer experience for Elizabeth. She made her feel seen, cared for, and valued in the store. In turn, this made Elizabeth go from a fan of the Nordstrom store, to a RAVING fan of Linda AND the Nordstrom store.
In our staff meeting discussion after the video, we shared lots of “Linda” experiences and acknowledged how these experiences make us feel valued, seen, and noticed. We want others to feel that too. We talked about making note of things our clients mention in their personal lives so we can ask about it after the fact. It shows we care and listen. When we provide excellent customer service, our clients are happy and share with others, we get referrals, and our clients stay.
Join us as we hear more from Elizabeth about how we can provide the best customer experience for our clients and make a positive impact!
Food for Thought
What is a "Linda" experience you have had recently? How did it make you feel?
What does it feel like to you when you are seen and served by someone else?
What are some examples of seemingly small moments of connection you can make for others with your job?
What benefits stand out to you for improving your brand's Customer Experience?