Fulling Management & Accounting

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The Power of Customer Experience: Pursue Innovation

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are starting a series called The Power of Customer Experience: 5 Elements to Make an Impact by Elizabeth Dixon.

Today’s lesson was about how change is inevitable, it is all around us. Elizabeth talked about how it is important to keep up with change or else you get left behind. She said the key to not getting left behind is to pursue innovation. Innovation, by definition, is to produce something new. Innovation helps a company to stay competitive, it makes us ask more questions rather than statements and keeps us looking ahead instead of behind.

Innovation is a PURSUIT, not a DESTINATION.

Elizabeth encourages us to approach our everyday problems with curiosity and communication solutions with clarity. She gave us three ways to improve curiosity; ask more questions, proactively listen to others’ perspectives with the intent of learning, and to expand your ideas for creative solutions.

One way she invites us to strengthen our creative curiosity is by playing a game she calls “Could You Help Me With A Problem?” First, you find a problem. Then, you come up with as many ways you can think of to solve it. The last one to share a solution wins the round.

Join us as we wrap up this series from Elizabeth about how we can provide the best customer experience for our clients and make a positive impact!

Food for Thought

  1. What is a current problem you are facing in your role?

    1. What is a solution you see to solve it?

  2. How can we proactively listen to our customers?

  3. How can you improve your curiosity? What ideas stood out to you?


Elizabeth Dixon

Rightnow Media

Check out more articles on leadership and personal development here!