Fulling Management & Accounting

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The Science of Connection with Vanessa Van Edwards

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are currently watching The Science of Connection with Vanessa Van Edwards from the Global Leadership Summit 2022. Follow along as we learn from Vanessa about practical ways to ask questions as leaders to connect with those around us.

In today’s video, Vanessa talked about how leaders can get trapped in logistics, metrics and small talk. It is important to break out of that small talk and ask deeper questions for positive connection with others.

She talks about how level 1 questions are geared towards general traits such as occupation, home town and family status. Level 2 aims more at personal concerns such as goals, worries, values, motivations and personality.

In next weeks section of the video, we will discover what the Level 3 questions are and how to use them to connect.

Food for Thought

  • Is it hard for you to pause on the metrics and revenue to focus on connection and rapport?

  • What is one way you could help get past small talk and into ‘personal concerns’ this week?

  • How do you feel about using the questions she suggests?


The Science of Connection & Leadership Charisma

Check out more articles on leadership and personal development here!