This week’s staff meeting was a little different than normal. Instead of watching a video on leadership, we discussed ways we can continue to have a good mindset and grow during this stage of the pandemic. Read what we discussed below and think of how this could apply to you.

Turning Work Off

What are some ways you can “turn work off” when you’re not working? Maybe you could turn off your mobile notifications or eat lunch away from your computer. Technology has made us be accessible anytime and anyplace, but we don’t have to be. Some of us are people-pleasers and put all the pressure on ourselves to respond right away or complete a task immediately. We should practice saying “No” and communicate workplace boundaries.

Conquering Isolation & Staying Motivated Throughout the Day

How can we conquer isolation and stay motivated? We could schedule time to be out and away from work during the weekends or evenings. We could go out to dinner with friends, walk in a park, or stroll through the grocery store to get refreshed and see people. What are other ways you can conquer the feeling of isolation?

Ways to Lower Stress at Work & Home

How could you lower your stress levels at home and work? A big part of this is to take good care of yourself. Eating healthy, going on a walk, and taking a break for lunch can help us feel much better. For some people, self-care may look like spending time with friends to feel renewed and uplifted. For others, it could be hiring someone to help with those stressful tasks around the home. For a lot of us, being organized at work can really help reduce stress. Take some time to schedule your tasks, make a plan, work ahead, etc. It could do wonders for you.



Stories & Bricks - Graceful, Humble & Quiet


Stories & Bricks - Winning Won’t Make You Well