Fulling Management & Accounting

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Unreasonable Hospitality - Will Guidara

The Fulling team just finished a new video together during recent staff meetings, Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara.

“Tap into the one principle that will never go out of season—the human desire to be taken care of. No matter what industry you are in—you are in the hospitality business! Join Will Guidara, as he helps us all unleash the power of giving people more than they expect. Explore what it means to have a hospitality-first culture—making people feel seen and truly welcomed. Discover how to deliver praise and criticism with intention and empower your people to think like an owner.”

  • Will Guidara set out with a goal of providing Unreasonable Hospitality.  He mentions that everyone wants to feel seen and have a sense of belonging and he wants to be unreasonable in meeting that goal.  “A goal without a strategy is nothing more than a pipedream.”

  • He mentions relentlessly pursuing excellence and innovation.  Your goal might not seem clear initially, but as you pursue it, it will reveal itself to you.

  • We talked in our small groups about showing out unreasonable hospitality with our clients by our timely responses, champion attitude, & relationships with them.

  • Repetition matters – say your goals often.

  • There is power in embracing people as they are.  Find the 1 size fits 1 opportunity and act on it.

  • People won’t forget how you made them feel.

  • Will wrapped up the video with again emphasizing that people don’t forget how you made them feel.  They don’t necessarily remember the product you sold them.

    Team Takeaways:

  • We talked in our small groups about showing out unreasonable hospitality with our clients by our timely responses, champion attitude, & relationships with them.

  • Many of us had the reminder to be present in this season of our lives for sure when there are so many distractions.

  • We talked about how we try to build relationships with our clients and follow up on those personal touchpoints they mention along the way to connect with them on a deeper level.

  • We talked in our groups about how it’s about just being nice.  Recognizing other’s and serving others.

  • Sending gifts to our clients and making that a priority is a blessing.  We talked about how we like to find unique touches to fit our client’s situation when recognizing them or gifting them.


Conversation Questions and Food For Thought:

  1. How can we be unreasonable in how we serve clients?

  2. Enhancing the least likely touchpoints makes a huge difference. What are those for us?

  3. What ideas do you have for unreasonable hospitality in your life and work?


Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara