The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are currently watching the Focus series from Jon Acuff. Follow along each week as we learn from Acuff the practical ways to reorient our attention from the things that don’t matter to the things that do.

In this session, Jon listed five other common escape pods: a messy house, over planning, alert notifications, urgent activities, and overthinking.

 Several of the listed distractions are related in some way to our smartphones. Whether it’s social media, calendaring, or the near-constant alert notifications that come through our phones, these handheld devices make focusing a challenge.

 An easy way to identify your escape pods, Jon said, is to pay attention to how you react to being bothered, bored, or challenged. If you pay attention, your reactions will provide you with an education.


Food for Thought

  • Which of Jon’s common escape pods stood out to you as one(s) you are distracted by?

    1. What other escape pods do you use when you’re bothered, bored or challenged?

  • Did you take away any of Jon’s new soundtracks to combat escape pods?




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