Fulling Management & Accounting

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What Is Grit?

Our team recently enjoyed a virtual Lunch N Learn together where we had meaningful conversations and discussed questions that arose from this Ted Talk video from Angela Lee Duckworth. Here are the discussion questions that we chatted about in our breakout rooms.

Video Questions:

  1. What’re some ways you could try to build grit in yourself or your kids?

  2. What has worked for you when it comes to being gritty?

  3. Are there any areas of your life that you could use some extra grit in?

Personal Questions:

  1. What’re your personal hopes for the summer – vacation, growth opportunities, etc.?

We talked about letting our kids struggle in their failures when they’re young so that they can learn skills to avoid failures when they are larger.  It’s hard to not want to fix when they mess up or forget something, but this will teach them skills they need as an adult.

One group mentioned needing to be positive through difficulty.  Use skills and habits such as prayer, reaching out to a friend for advice/guidance if they have expertise, etc.

It is always nice to get together as a whole team since many work across the country.