The Fulling team started a new staff meeting series! We are watching Uncompromising by Steven White.

“We all want to lead a life filled with purpose, success, and influence. But how do we chart the path to fulfillment? Where should we turn to find the life we all want? How do we leave a meaningful legacy?

In this 8-session series, keynote speaker and Comcast executive Steven White, will share his seven pathways to success, giving us a new approach to finding an impactful lifestyle of working, living, and being.”

The first of Steven’s pathways to success is discovering your life’s meaning and focusing your energy on that purpose. But many people walk through life without a clear purpose.

To help discover our purpose, or our “why,” Steven offered us three diagnostic questions. The first question considers what others may say about us. What do other people say you are good at? The second question looks at the things that absorb our attention and hopes: what are you passionate about? If you could do anything for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Finally, Steven asked us what we would do for free.

Steven also emphasized the need to connect your personal “why” to your professional “why.” For example, if your professional purpose is to renew and restore buildings, you should also pursue renewal and restoration in your personal relationships.

Once you have discovered your purpose, embrace it. A clear direction for your life is only half the battle—the other half is fighting to move in that direction.

No one wants to go through a difficult season, but it can clarify our purpose. When Steven was fired, he found what he cared about most and was able to focus on his “why.”

Join us as we hear more from Steven about finding success and fulfillment!

Food for Thought

  1. What do you think are the dangers of not having a purpose in your life? How might a lack of purpose affect your work?

  2. How might you apply your professional passions to your personal life? In what ways might your personal passions influence your professional life?

  3. Have you ever gained clarity through a struggle? If so, what did you learn?


Focus on the Real Prize and Live Life as a Learning Lab - Uncompromising Series


Receivables: Quality Counts