Focus on the Real Prize and Live Life as a Learning Lab - Uncompromising Series

The Fulling team started a new staff meeting series! We are watching Uncompromising by Steven White.

“We all want to lead a life filled with purpose, success, and influence. But how do we chart the path to fulfillment? Where should we turn to find the life we all want? How do we leave a meaningful legacy?

In this 8-session series, keynote speaker and Comcast executive Steven White, will share his seven pathways to success, giving us a new approach to finding an impactful lifestyle of working, living, and being.”

Steven’s first step in maintaining our focus is to identify our distractions. We should set daily reminders of our “why.” What is important is to set your focus every morning on what matters most.

We also need to be keenly aware of what Steven called our “sideshows.” A sideshow is any event, request, or circumstance that will take you away from your necessary work.

If you want to stay focused, you will have to be persistent—but only positive persistence can produce meaningful results.  We need to surround ourselves with people who understand and support us.

Staying hungry and sharp is essential to success but requires that we constantly learn from our mistakes and experiences. But if we stay curious, seeing all of life as a learning opportunity, there will be no limit to our growth.

Treat every opportunity as a learning lab. He told us that pausing to reflect on the things we have experienced or observed helps us learn from our experiences.

Your ability to live your best life is all about constantly growing, constantly learning. The only way you do that is through humility and modesty, recognizing that you don't know everything.

Join us as we hear more from Steven about finding success and fulfillment!

Food for Thought

  1. What are the major distractions you are facing?

  2. Are you a positive person? How might you change your perspective to become more positive as you work toward your goals?

  3. What problems do you repeatedly face in your career? What could you learn from those problems? What mindset or ideas keep leading you back to those problems?


Own Your Attitude and Effort - Uncompromising Series


Find Your Fight - Uncompromising Series