Fulling Management & Accounting

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Focus - Motion Beats Perfection

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are currently watching the Focus series from Jon Acuff. Follow along each week as we learn from Acuff the practical ways to reorient our attention from the things that don’t matter to the things that do.

Jon concluded this session by talking briefly about goals. He said, “Most people will sit with [a] list of goals for thirty days trying to pick the perfect one instead of picking one and getting thirty days of experience.”

Looking at your three tasks, plan them into your week according to the number of stars you’ve placed next to them. If you find that, based on the number of stars, any of the tasks have the same priority level, don’t overthink it. Simply schedule them into your calendar. Remember, “motion beats perfection.”

Food for Thought

  • When you are unsure where on your to-do list to begin, how do you choose what tasks to accomplish first?

  • What additional soundtracks like “motion beats perfection” have you used to keep you going when your calendar overwhelms you?


Jon Acuff

Rightnow Media

Check out more articles on leadership and personal development here!