How our team is using our Working Genius strengths to make an impact

Do you know your strengths and how you thrive in your workplace? Our team has been spending quite a bit of time talking and thinking through our individual talents and how we can use them alongside each other to make a well-oiled team! A while back, our team took the Working Genius test, with coach Mark Chrislip, to discover what our Working Geniuses, Working Competencies, and Working Frustrations are. By gathering this information, we are able to see which team members are best suited for the Ideation, Activation, and Implementation portions of what we do at Fulling Management.

We highly recommend checking out The Working Genius if you are a business owner looking to make deeper connections within your company.

We specifically used our Working Genius strengths to divide into groups during a recent staff meeting. Each group used their strength to dig into our 4 Helpfuls and worked on coming up with a direction, owner, due date, and priority for each one. We have found that this helps push things along smoothly when team members of similar strengths work together toward a goal.

What a productive, helpful staff meeting this was!


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