Soundtracks - Turndown Techniques

Jon Acuff image from video

Over the last few weeks, the Fulling Management & Accounting team has been going through Jon Acuff’s video series “Soundtracks”. This series is based on the belief that many of us overthink and question our decisions. If we do make a decision, we tend to second guess it and ourselves. These are what we call “negative soundtracks”. Jon Acuff is teaching us how to turn down the noise of those negative soundtracks so we can continue to move forward.

In the last session of the series, “Creating Turndown Techniques”, Jon Acuff explains the importance of making your own turndown techniques. These are specific actions you can take when the negative soundtracks in your mind become too loud and you can’t focus. Acuff listed some of his turndown techniques, including running, assembling Lego sets, making lists, accomplishing minor tasks and getting coffee with a friend. All of these actions are ways he can turn down his negative soundtracks before they get too loud.

Make Your Turn Down Technique list

Acuff lists five criteria that can help us identify helpful turndown techniques. Consider making your technique…

  • Physical - Do something that is tangible and / or gets your blood flowing.

  • Easy - Don’t overcomplicate things, take it easy on yourself.

  • Fun - Do something you enjoy!

  • Flexile - Reduce the number of rules you make for yourself, be flexible with your techniques.

  • Free (of Judgement) - Don’t judge yourself for whatever technique works for you. If you like playing with Legos, go for it!

As you learn to quiet your negative soundtracks and create helpful turndown techniques, you should remember that the goal is to take care of yourself. You are your greatest commodity. By learning what soundtracks you listen to, which ones need to be turned down and what techniques help you feel more like yourself, you will start to live your best life.

What is a turndown technique you use to quiet your negative thought patterns?

Learn how to Make Your Positive Soundtrack Stick! Learn more about creating turndown techniques in the article Soundtracks - Switches vs. Dials.


Soundtracks - Trailer

Soundtracks - Book

Jon Acuff - Website


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