The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni

The Fulling team just finished a new video together during recent staff meetings, The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni.

  • Teamwork

Without good teamwork, an organization will face confusion, conflict among the ranks, and unclear vision. Patrick described teamwork as both a strategic choice and a difficult practice. It takes long-term commitment to cultivate it within a group of people.

  • Fear of Conflict. 

Trust creates a foundation for reliable relationships. Without it, people will avoid conflict with one another, which can be devastating to the vision and mission of an organization.

  • Lack of Commitment.

 The next layer of dysfunction created by an absence of trust and the fear of conflict is a lack of commitment to the decisions made in an organization. People need to be invested in ideas, even if they disagree with them.

  • Avoidance of Accountability. 

To ensure goals are met, accountability is a crucial piece of any organization. Patrick made it clear that team leaders are the ones who set the standards of accountability.

  • Inattention to Results. 

It may seem like common sense, but teams suffer when members focus on individual results instead of the group’s results. When this happens, it harms the organization because of a lack of commitment to the common good.

No team is perfect. To one degree or another, they will all have dysfunction, but the way those dysfunctions are managed makes all the difference.

Patrick explained how generational, gender, and cultural differences play a smaller role than we think in terms of team dynamics.

Conversation Questions and Food For Thought:

  1. How have you seen the absence of trust impact a team?

  2. . What have you learned that will help you create trust with others in a virtual environment going forward?


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