Victory Through Teamwork & Leadership by Coach K

The Fulling team just finished a new video together during recent staff meetings, Victory Through Teamwork & Leadership by Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K). This was his talk at the recent EntreLeadership Summit.

The 3 A’s of Leadership:

A – Agility: Being flexible to make instant decisions to benefit you and your team.

A – Adaptability: Communication is key to empower others.  Asking questions like “What do you think?” and “How do you feel?”

A - Accountability:  He challenges everyone to look at each other in the eyes and tell the truth. He advocates for a team full of plural pronouns - “we” instead of “me”. He also talks about the benefit of looking your teammates in the eye and saying, “I believe in you.”

Coach K also talked about how the cultures that win are value based.  Some values he talked about for their team include: integrity, respect, courage, selfless service, loyalty, duty, & trust. He grows his team by focusing on these in his recruiting. He also offered a great overview of what he looks for when he is recruiting?

1. Talent - the baseline for hiring

2. Could they fit our environment?

3. Character – how they interact with their parents (especially their mom), coach, teammates, etc.

Conversation Questions and Food For Thought:

  1. What are some ways to keep your curiosity and use it to help you grow?

  2. Is there someone in your life who could hear "I believe in you"?

  3. How can we hold each other more accountable in our work?


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