The Future of Leadership is Trust CONTINUED

This week during staff meeting, the Fulling team continued watching The Future of Leadership is Trust by Craig Groeschel from the Global Leadership Summit 2023.

Some of our takeaways from this portion of the video:


  • Someone who doesn’t feel like they’re a part, will not bring their whole heart.

  • Showing your weakness and vulnerability, builds trust.  When you lead with transparency:

                    -Teams get closer

                    -You solve problems faster

                    -Trust grows stronger

  • Your team will never care about your mission if you don’t care about your team.  Don’t just care about what they do, but care about who they are.  Talk less and listen more.

  • I notice and you matter.

Food for Thought

  1. What are some ways you could incorporate transparency into your work?

  2. What are some ways to build empathy toward our clients and team?

  3. How do we show our clients and teammates that “we notice and they matter”?


The Future of Leadership is Trust FINAL


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