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The Science of Connection - What is Your Story?

The Fulling team has begun a new video lesson! Each week in our staff meetings, we watch a culture & leadership video to aid in our professional and personal development. We are currently watching The Science of Connection with Vanessa Van Edwards from the Global Leadership Summit 2022. Follow along as we learn from Vanessa about practical ways to ask questions as leaders to connect with those around us.

In today’s section of the video, Vanessa talked about our self-narrative being Level 3. Our self-narrative is the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and how we make sense of our journey and purpose through life.

Some common self-narratives are the HERO, the HEALER, and the VICTIM. Once you discover someone’s self-narrative, you uncover a key to how they behave and what they believe which is crucial for deeper connections.

In next week’s video, we will hear from Vanessa as she talks about the importance of asking deep questions but also LISTENING to their answers.

Food for Thought

  • Do you like the question, “What is your story”?

  • Did any of the self-narratives stand out to you (Hero, Healer, Victim)?

  • Who on your list would you like to create a better connection with using some of the questions she recommends?


The Science of Connection & Leadership Charisma

Check out more articles on leadership and personal development here!