What are 5 lessons you’ve learned in almost 25 years of business?

Someone recently asked me this question.

There are honestly so many to choose from, but if I were to boil it down to just five, I would say:

1. Be Intentional

Don’t let life and business just “happen” to you. Instead, clearly define what winning looks like for your family, clients, business, and values. You’re in the driver’s seat, so drive.

2. Be Patient

Don’t compare yourself with others' successes and the desire to “want it now.” Everyone grows at their own pace, and it’s consistency over time that brings momentum.

3. Be a Difference Maker

Don’t underestimate your gifts! Serve others with your knowledge, skills, and time. This can look like guiding a client towards clarity in their business or serving a meal at the local homeless shelter.

4. Be a Lifelong Learner

The best leaders I know are non-stop learners. Whether it’s podcasts, reading, or taking a class, keeping your mind active and growing is the best way to level up your leadership skills.

5. Be Still

Take time to DREAM. This means intentionally adding margin into your calendar for reflection and developing a vision for the future.

I’m sure I have many more lessons to learn, but these are the five that stand out from the past 25 years!


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